facts and fun facts about gold

really facts and fun facts about gold - In order to extract South Africa’s yearly output of 500 tons of gold nearly 70 million tons of earth are raised and milled.
- Gold is so pliable that it can be made into sewing thread. An ounce of gold can be stretched over 50 miles.
  - Oceans are the greatest single reservoir of gold at Earth's surface containing approximately eight times the total quantity of gold mined to date
-  In 1933, Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 which outlawed U.S. citizens from hoarding gold. Owning gold
- The first recorded gold ever discovered in the United States was was a 17 pound nugget found in Cabarrus
-  More than 90 percent of all gold ever used has been mined since 1848

More fun facts about gold  

- The Mines of South Africa can descend as far as 12000 feet and reach temperatures 130 °F To produce an ounce of gold requires 38 man hours
- The troy ounce of gold comes from the French town of Troyes, which first created a system of weights in the Middle Ages
- During the fourteenth century, drinking molten gold and crushed emeralds was used as a treatment for the bubonic plaque
- The chemical symbol for gold is AU
- Around 1200 B.C., the Egyptians used unshorn sheepskin to mine for gold dust from the sands
- If gold jewelry irritates the skin, it is likely that the gold was mixed with some other metal
-  The nugget is 10 by 25 inches and yielded 2,248 ounces of pure gold. It was found just two inches below the ground surface


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